This week i have mainly focused on doing draft layouts for all sections of my magazine. I looked at several magazines to give me ideas for whatkind of layout i will use. On most of my layouts i have made the main image the main focal point. I think this will show the audeience viewing my magazine , what to expec at a quice glance. for example my magazine will be mainly about bands and indie music, so someone viewing my magzine on a news stand will get a good idea of what to expect and if the magazine is for that person. These are only drafts and could potentually change. I will include more writing and coverlines on the actual magazine than shown on the drafts, becuase they are just layout ideas. The next thing i went on to do was a draft of my magazine. I tested out a few images and fonts which would be suitable, so now i should be able to get a good idea of the kind of fonts to use.