Monday, 7 December 2009

Evaluation Of Student Magazine Task

In the media task i have create a front page and contents page for my magazine. In these i have used several different key magazine elements. Such as a bar code on the front and a letter from the editor on the contents page. I think this gives the magazine a professional feel and makes it look like its got more to it. I also took the idea of having a colour scheme and used the colour purple to portray this. I used several different shads of the colour to keep everything looking professorial. Other than this, i looked at other student magazine that are already on the market. I evaluated these and looked at the good and bad points of them. I think this helped me to make my magazine more appealing to people who already read student magazines. I think the key ingredient to a student magazine is to have relevant information in them. Whether this is images of other students or relevant news to them, for example university news and information. On the front cover of any magazine has to be the title of the magazine. Mine is 'college survival'. I think that there should be a recognisable colour or something to show what the magazine is, but subtly. I have inclued this in my magazine becuase i have used a purple colour scheme. I think that my magazine represnts girls aged 16-19 well because of the colours and images that i have used. I have represented these becuas ei thought they were an easy target group to do. For the image on the front cover i have used a 16 year old girl. I have used relevent storys and news to do with girls this age.
Some of my coverlines include:
"What i like about college!"
I think that a college might distribute my magazine, because that's were my audience are mainly. Other than that, maybe youth clubs, high schools and general news agents. I think that a school would be good to distribute the magazine as it would give students thinking about going to college, an idea of what it is like. The audience of my magazine will be aged 16-19, girls and will be in college or thinking about going to college. In the magazine i have included exciting storys and news that relates to young people.I used chatty coverlines and interesting pictures and colours to attract my audience.I used a girl on the front cover and put storys that relateted to my target audience on the front cover.
I think that this project went well, and will help alot when i come to make my music magazine.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Draft Contents Page

I think this has turned out really well. Please tell me what you think. Thankyou very much. x

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Magazine Front Cover : One

This is the first draft of a magazine cover i might use. I have co-ordinated all the colours and used quotes and pictures to make it look more interesting. Please tell me what you think. Thankyou x

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Weekly Review : Week Two

I think this week has gone really well. I was able to do everything on my 'action plan'. The first one was to decide a name for my magazine. I have chose 'College Survivor', which at the moment is subject to change, but i think it will most likely be that. I think this reflects what the magazine is about. This week i have also started to think about the design of the front cover. In the first week i made two templates, and i have decided to use the first one that i created. This is because its got more going on and gets straight to the point. Another point in my action plan was to catch up on anything if missed, luckily i am keeping on top of my work, so i didn't have anything to catch up on.

The main thing that i was doing this week was the photo shoot. A group of us went out around college and town to get some shots of normal college life. I took some relationship images and music images, as well as just normal photographs. After we were satisfide with the images i edited some of them to get the images i put in a post.

All in all this week has gone well and was very productive.

Front cover picture?

I have edited this image to make it suitable for a front cover of a student magazine. I think it relates well to the concept of the magazine because it is of a student, listening to music with people in the background. I have edited it by changing brightness and contrast slightly, to make the image appear more brighter, obviously. I feel it might still need a bit more tweaking when it comes to editing, but i would like to know what everyone thinks about it. As i feel it would make a good cover image. So please leave feedback. Thanks x

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Results from photo shoot

Here are the best images which i have taken for the photo's to be used. I have several different shots of each one, but i feel these 5 turned out the best. Please tell me what you think and if you have an ideas/improvements for the images.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Plan for my Photo Shoot

To get the best out come of my photo shoot, i need to think carefully about each thing i need to. The magazine will be targeted at a female audience aged between 16 and 19. Firstly i will use a female as the model. This will give the audience a quick glimpse of whats in side and who the magazine is for. From the feedback i have receive i will tailor my magazine to be about college and life. Because of that i will use a young person in a place which she would typically hang out. Due to weather restrictions i think i will do my photo shoot in side.The photo will be in colour as this is more eye catching.

Weekly Review: Week One

In the first week, i used a weekly plan to help with what i needed to do. The first thing i had on my list was to set up my blog. I did this by choosing a name and background and adding a first post. This was my 'action plan'. I then added a analysis of a magazine that is already on the market. This was my second action point: making a first entry into my blog. as well as the third point to research material that's already on the market. I then made a questionnaire that will help my determine the target group and the help me decide what the magazine will be about.

After i did the above, i did anther analysis to help me with deciding what my magazine should be like. I also posted some mock up magazine covers and a list of potential names for people to look at and tell me what they think. I have asked for comments of the both and will take into account each individual answer. Hopefully this will help to make my magazine the best it could possibly be. I have had a few comments on my questionnaire and other posts. I hope to reserve some ore so i can get a better understanding of how the audience will what the magazine.

Over the next week i hope to decide on my target group and name of my magazine. I will then do my photo shoot for the front cover of my magazine. This will then be put in to a first draft idea of my final design. I will also make comments on other peoples magazine posts and ideas to help them with there's. I shall continue to work hard and keep up to date with any work which i need to do.
This is a graph to show how many people have answered my questionnaire and if they are male or female. From the graph i could tell that the gender more likely to read my magazine is female because of that i will make the target audience females between 16 and 19.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Potental Names For My Magazine

Heres a few ideas:

1) Asking Mali

2) Life Cheese

3) College Survivor

4) Inner Tiger

5) Bourne Of The Bargain

Please tell me what you think. Or suggest one of your own. Thankyou. x

Magazine Templates

I prefer the one on the left because its simple and gets straight to the point. I think the other one is to crowded. Please leave me a comment telling me what you think. Thankyou

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Target Audience Questionnaire

Here is a questionnaire to try and find out what my target audience whats from a student magazine. This should help to make my magazine as successful as possible. Please answers the following questions and be specific, where required.

Are you male or female?

How old are you?

What would you want the magazine yo be about? (e.g. cars, music, etc.)

What would be a suitable name for the student magazine?

What font do you think would be suitable?

How much do you think the price should be?

What images would you like on the front cover?

Would you prefer black and white or colour for the magazine?

What other magazines do you read?

How ofter do you read these magazines?

End of questionnaire.
Thank you for you time and effort.

Second Magazine Analisis- 'HC'

The first thing i noticed on the magazine was the advertorial. Birmingham city university has been advertised, but looks as if its part of the editorial bit of the magazine. You next see the banner which goes across the middle of the page. It says that its a uni guide for 'before, during and after' making it appeal to a wider audience. Its in red and yellow, which are both bright and eye catching colours.

The price of the magazine is free. This is shown in big letters and stands out against the background. This should make the audience fell as if there getting a bargain because its free. In image on the front of the cover is two people in cartoon. It looks as if its a real photograph, which has been edited. The male is a white man and the female is black, showing that the magazine is for both male and female and all ethnicity's. There are other small graphical images on the front cover which make it modern and up to date.

At the bottom of the front there is a banner with comptions on. This makes the reader think they are getting more than just the magazine.

Monday, 16 November 2009

First magazine analysis - 'First Car'

I started off analysing the front cover of 'First Car'. The first thing i noticed on the cover was the masthead. Its in big white letters that contrast with the dark background of the image. The word 'First' stands out more than the word 'Car' because because it is longer and you read more into it. Underneath the heading there is a sub-heading which gives a definition for the magazine. This helps to identify the audience of the magazine, and attract people to read it, who may not have seen it before. The sub-heading says 'The magazine for young driers' this shows that it is the only magazine for Young drivers and that someone who is interested in the magazine, should buy it because there are no others like it. The magazine is a niche product. This means that it is only for a particular audience. The audience its aimed at is young people, who are learning to drive. Mainly between the ages of 17 to 22. It doesn't stereotype to male or female, so it can be for either genders.

There is also a banner across the top of the magazine. It shows the best bits of what is inside, drawing the audience in close, so they think there getting more from the magazine. The graphics are right for the audience as well. They are bright and eye catching. In the top left hand corner there is a list of what is included in the magazine. Ut shows the page numbers, showing the audience that the magazine is quick and easy to us. They have used there top storys to draw the reader in more and make thse storys look as if they are exclusive.

Weekly Action Plan

Week One:
1) Set up my blog
2) Make first entries into blog
3) Research on excising magazines
4) Decide on target group
5) Decide about photos
6) Make audience questionnaire

Week Two:
1) Decide name of magazine
2) Start designing magazine
3) Do photo shoot
4) Catch up on anything I'm missing

Week Three:
1) Start producing magazine
2) Complete first draft of magazine
3) Get feed back of first draft
4) Start final draft

Week Four:
1) Complete final draft
2) Evaluate final draft
3) Complete everything